
Low zinc symptoms

The high demands of sports make athletes more vulnerable to illness, with 65% of athletes experiencing regular colds and infections. Zinc is a key nutrient required for immunity and keeping an eye out for low zinc symptoms, may just make the difference between being sick or great performances.

It can be so frustrating to put in many months of hard training only to be sidelined during a taper or on race day by heaving lungs, debilitating fatigue, and a pounding headache. Sports performance is materialised through consistency, akin to writing a book, one page at a time. Forced breaks from training due to illness detract from progress and drains confidence. Not all athletes rest when unwell and opt to “push through” the illness only to experience prolonged symptoms and more disruption to competition. 

Building a robust immunity is all part of a holistic approach to coaching and training. So how do you minimise your risk of getting sick? 

There are many nutrients that contribute to a healthy immune system as discussed previously.

Athletes may be more susceptible to being deficient in zinc because exercise, particularly strenuous and endurance exercise, increases zinc requirements, encourages zinc loss through sweating, and changes zinc transportation and metabolism.  

In our opinion, zinc plays the most critical role in supporting athletes and immunity.

Zinc’s role in hormone control and immunity

Zinc regulates several crucial processes in both your innate and adaptive immune system. Being deficient in zinc can lead to athletes becoming more susceptible to respiratory illness, particularly in the colder months. 

Apart from zinc’s well-established role in immunity, this mineral, contributes to protein structure, regulates gene expression, metabolism and is the second most abundant trace element in the body after iron.  Zinc deficiency can impact an athlete through hormone dysregulation (testosterone, thyroid, and growth hormones to name a few) and may affect erectile function and fertility.

Zinc is essential to maintaining optimum performance due to its function in metabolism and healthy cell division – essential in repairing damaged tissues after you exercise.

Studies show being deficient in zinc can lead to a reduction in the number of fast-twitch muscle fibres and muscle mass and performance decline.  For Masters Athletes this is of particular relevance as aging is also associated with sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance.

Zinc also helps maintain blood sugar control and assists with muscle contraction during exercise, glucose metabolism, and glycogen storage.

Zinc also plays an essential role in antioxidant production by increasing antioxidant activity and inhibiting free radical production that may damage tissues, impact liver function, and prevent muscle exhaustion.

Low zinc symptoms

Apart from recurrent colds and other infections, there are many low zinc symptoms.

*Anxiety and depression

*Hormone imbalances

*Poor concentration

*Stomach pain and gas

*Slow healing

*White spots on nails

*Skin issues and acne

*Loss of appetite

*Loss or change of smell

*Changes in taste

Zinc rich foods

The most concentrated sources of zinc are contained in animal products, particularly meat, seafood and dairy.   Vegan and plant-based athletes may be more susceptible to zinc deficiency due to reduced dietary intake, lowered gastric acid (which is zinc-dependent) and higher phytate consumption.  Phytates found in plant-based zinc-rich foods such as legumes can inhibit zinc absorption. 

Soaking nuts and seeds and legumes prior to cooking is a great way to minimise this issue and allow for greater micronutrient absorption.

Iron absorption 

The gastrointestinal tract plays an important role in maintaining total body zinc homeostasis by regulating zinc absorption and excretion. In order to boost your absorption, the addition of a probiotic may be beneficial.

In certain situations, zinc supplementation may be recommended. The amount ingested, supplement form, and the timing of zinc matters. Speak to a naturopath or nutritionist with an interest in sport before self-prescribing. You’ll definitely want to avoid zinc toxicity. High zinc levels can have a detrimental impact on your performance through anaemia, copper and iron deficiency and unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects.

Zinc testing

Serum blood testing is used by some conventional practitioners to determine zinc levels in the body. Keep in mind 60% of zinc is stored in muscle and 30% in bone therefore serum may not be the best measure of zinc homeostasis.  A mineral test can be another alternative method of assessing zinc levels and is available through our clinic as explained here.

If you need help building a robust immune system, book an appointment with our naturopath.


About the Author: Kate Smyth is a Sports naturopath, nutritionist and female-centric running coach. She is the founder of the Athlete Sanctuary- a holistic healthcare clinic for athletes of all levels and sporting codes. Kate has a thirst for knowledge with two bachelor’s and a master’s degree under her belt. She has been involved in sports for many decades and competed for Australia in the Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games marathons with a personal best time of 2 hours 28 minutes. For more information visit www.https://


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  4. P. Trumbo, A.  Yates, S. Schlicker, M. Poos. Dietary reference intakes: vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium, and zinc.
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  5. A. Baltaci, R. Mogulkoc, S. Baltaci. Review: The role of zinc in the endocrine system.
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  6. P.Ranasinghe, S. Pigera, P. Galappatthy, G. Katulanda, & R. Constantine. Zinc and diabetes mellitus: understanding molecular mechanisms and clinical implications.
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  7. M. Hambidge, N. Krebs. Zinc metabolism and requirements.
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Normatec recovery

Normatec recovery therapy is suitable for athletes of all levels.

Sporting clubs, associations, and teams such as Australia Triathlon, AFL teams, USA Triathlon, Ironman US, USA Track and Field,  British Gymnastics, Belgian Cycling, American Cycling, USA Hockey, Ireland Hockey, and the Boston Ballet are just some of the crew ahead of the curve using Normatec recovery.

We have been so impressed with Normatec recovery we’ve made it accessible to athletes of all levels through our exclusive hire service. We also sell the Normatec recovery systems to those who like to take their training and recovery a bit more seriously.

What is Normatec?

Normatec is an evidence-based recovery system with proven results and research supporting its claimed benefits.

Normatec is a form of active compression therapy (peristaltic pulse dynamic compression) with a sophisticated massage pattern. Studies show reduced muscle soreness and fatigue, enhanced blood flow to the treated areas, decreased inflammation, improved clearance of waste products, and increased range of motion. Studies also demonstrate that the peristaltic compression process may deliver positive adaptive responses to exercise and improve artery endothelial function systemically, making it useful for individuals with circulation and lymphatic drainage issues.

Normatec Recovery boots can also be used post-surgery and to enhance injury recovery.

Key benefits of Normatec recovery

1. REDUCES PAIN: Journal of Strength and Conditioning 2015  – dynamic compression may accelerate and enhance recovery by reducing muscle tenderness from pressure stimuli.

2. INCREASES RANGE OF MOTION:  Journal of Strength and Conditioning 2014 -Peristaltic pulse dynamic compression rapidly enhances acute range-of-motion with less discomfort and time and has been shown to be more

3. REDUCES DOMS (DELAYED ONSET MUSCLE SORENESS), PAIN, and SWELLING: Journal of Athletic Training 2016  – a 30-minute treatment of pulse compression increases blood flow in the lower extremity, making Pulse compression a viable option in the management of exercise-induced muscle damage (DOMS). In general, DOMS-related swelling, range of movement limitations, and pain ratings were lower and returned to baseline faster while using NormaTec when compared to continuously-worn compression sleeve options  International Journal of Exercise Science 2018.

4.DECREASES MUSCLE FATIGUE AFTER ACUTE EXERCISE: PLOS One Medical Journal 2017. External pneumatic compression increases flexibility and reduces select skeletal muscle oxidative stress and proteolysis markers during recovery from heavy resistance exercise.

5. PASSIVELY CLEARS WASTE AND METABOLITES FROM BODY: Journal of Athletic Enhancement 2013 This form of compression significantly lowers blood lactate concentrations when compared to a passive recovery group.

6. IMPROVES ENDOTHELIAL FUNCTION: European Journal of Applied Physiology 2015. A single bout of peristaltic pulse compression improves artery endothelial function systemically and improves blood flow in the compressed limbs.

7. IMPROVES EXERCISE ADAPTATION AND GENE EXPRESSION: Journal of Experimental Physiology 2015. A 60-minute bout of whole-leg, peristaltic pulse compression transiently upregulates PGC-1α mRNA, while also upregulating eNOS protein and NOx concentrations in biopsy samples.

Clinical Physiology & Functional Imaging 2016. Peristaltic pulse compression may upregulate rps6 and downregulate Stat1, which may facilitate positive adaptive responses to exercise.

8. ENHANCE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM FUNCTION: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research  Muscle stiffness, tenderness, strength loss, and oedema have been linked to exercise-induced muscle microtrauma.  Enhancement of lymphatic flow and clearance of waste may accelerate recovery.

“A goal of dynamic compression is to reduce lymphatic obstruction and thereby enhance the removal of the protein- and debris-rich fluid that accumulates in the interstitial spaces after exercise-induced inflammation”. Maintaining an anti-inflammatory diet can also speed up your recovery time. Ginger is one natural remedy that may help reduce inflammation. Read our blog on how easy it is to use ginger.

Normatec features

  • Individualised programs for rehab, recovery, and injury treatment to suit your needs.
  • Normatec can be set to focus on key problem areas of the body such as the quads or calves through a “zone boost” allowing extra attention where needed. There is also an option to deactivate zones of the body.
  • Setting can be set to varied pressures to suit you and your comfort
  • Portable in a durable case, battery powdered for remote use, and lightweight
  • Versatile- single control unit is compatible with leg, arm, and hip attachments. The calibration phase ensures a personalised fit for all body types.
  • Super easy to use- set up takes less than a minute, giving you more time to relax
  • Made from highly durable material
  • The Normatec app allows you to integrate Normatec use seamlessly with your training plan


Typically, 20-30 minutes once a day is sufficient for most athletes. Athletes in heavy training may consider using it after each training session.

Normatec boots and hip attachments are popular with athletes preparing for and recovering from events. Committed athletes use the system daily as an ongoing recovery tool.

Promotional banner with an image of a Normatec compression boot and the wording: Normatec Recovery: Innovative portable massage technology. Try before you buy! 
Available for hire or purchase.

Normatec Hire – TRY BEFORE YOU BUY

Normatec Pulse 2.0 boots (upper and lower legs and feet) are available for hire from our Torquay clinic. Take a look at our Normatec Hire and Purchase page for more information.


*Normatec pants 3.0 includes compression for the legs, ankles, and feet

*Normatec lower leg (includes attachments for the feet, ankles, legs, and hips)

*Normatec Full Body Recovery System – includes attachments for the legs, ankles, arms, and hips for the ultimate recovery experience

*Normatec Arms – great for swimmers, rowers, adventure racers and canoeists

*Normatec Hips- a great addition to the lower leg attachment

We recommend purchasing a Normatec carry case or backpack to keep your Normatec protected, and secure during transport and at home.

Visit the Athlete Sanctuary online shop to view the Normatec recovery systems we stock.